Arjun Bhat Creates Pop Music to Connect Deeply with A Diverse Growing Audience

Natasha Green
3 min readSep 29, 2021


Arjun Bhat is an “Indo-Kiwi” singer/songwriter and producer bringing his sound and energy all the way up. He considers himself Indian, but is culturally more attuned to Kiwi as a result of growing up in New Zealand. Arjun enjoys cricket as he used to play competitively at Under-18 national level. His drive in all that he does makes Arjun a passionate artist. Arjun has had success and amazing collaborations in music thus far, and he has big dreams and vivid visions of what is to come in his trajectory in the industry.

Arjun’s achievements, such as working with big labels such as Discowax (Sony), Youth Energy, Magic Records, are not only notable, but those experiences have propelled his growth immensely. His goal is to be one of the first Indian solo singer/songwriters to win a Grammy in the pop, pop/dance category. Arjun speaks from the heart, saying “It’s hard doing music as an Indian growing up because of expectations to have a degree or specific job, and I want to educate the country that this (music entertainment) is a totally possible career if you put your mind to it.”

Outside of music, Arjun also loves fashion for its self-expressive qualities, and fitness for its many benefits. After high school, Arjun studied IT (computer science / information systems) and now holds a bachelor’s degree. During this time, he was a “self proclaimed” professional gamer, playing almost 10–14 hours a day alongside his University studies and assignments. Arjun made a lot of friends gaming whom he still keeps in touch with to this day. Now Arjun is very outgoing, friendly, extroverted and energetic, and this tends to come through in his performances and interviews.

Arjun started DJing spontaneously by plugging his iPod in to save a party after a technical issue, and everyone loved it! He kept DJing bars, clubs and events for 2 years after that. Then his girlfriend at the time got Arjun into playing the guitar, something his dad had been trying to get him to do since he was 8 through regular jamming with family at gatherings. Arjun was slowly encouraged to sing, and he was thrilled after performing for them for the first time!

This led to Arjun learning about production and making covers on YouTube with Bollywood actress/singer Shirley Setia. At the time, she had 4K followers (now 7M!), but our videos on YouTube received millions of views! She encouraged Arjun to pursue covers, but life got in the way, and he had to spend his time taking care of other things. During this time from 2012–2015, Arjun did vocal lessons for 3 years. One year was spent training with a rock coach Paul E of RVR, and then 2 years of theatre/opera with Faye McNeil.

As the result of a significant life event in 2019, Arjun was encouraged to start writing and singing again — which lead to “theajsound” launch on Feb 29th 2020. Being creative greatly enhances his life and well-being, so Arjun tries to spread that joy. Arjun utilizes his skills and expertise daily by professionally coaching to get the best out of people and help them reach their potential. He also gives back by donating to Kids Can (Cancer for Kids charity) monthly. He has been donating since the “ice bucket challenge” poignantly showed him the significance of actually paying it forward.

Arjun Bhat is always one to keep it real, and his music is a reflection of this sincerity. He is appreciative of being able to have a personal relationship with most of his followers, so connect with him on social media and enjoy his art. There are sure to be great things coming from him with his ascending energy in the future.

