Farhan Majid Makes a Difference by Integrating his Expertise, Resources, and Wisdom

Natasha Green
3 min readSep 15, 2021


Farhan Majid is a young professional tech entrepreneur and actor. Environmental efforts are a key area of focus for him because of the inherent importance of the matter. Since graduating college, Farhan has always been interested in all things related to cutting-edge technology, and he is pairing that affinity with his business degree from James Madison University to start new companies. Farhan combined his business knowledge, technology research, and consulting background to start his own company that would help with the environmental efforts; Greens Enterprises was founded based on the principles of reducing waste and leveraging alternatives for single-use plastics.

Greens Enterprises is committed to reducing single-use plastic and styrofoam disposables by replacing them with fully compostable, high-quality products that customers love. They provide the best value possible while giving back to the community and to our climate with every sale. With his experience in managing product development for startups and consulting for various software services companies, Farhan has an appreciation for efficiency in tandem with a reverence for simplicity. Green Enterprises is a one-stop solution to the land pollution and negative impacts of plastic on humans.

Growing up on the east coast in the suburbs of Centreville, Virginia, Farhan was a very shy, introverted book-smart kid, but one who loved trying new things. Playing sports like basketball and football taught him about discipline and sociability, but he was still quite shy up until his junior year in college. That is when Farhan studied abroad in Belgium and everything changed for the better in his life. He grew out of his shell and became an extroverted person. Farhan’s semester abroad in Belgium taught him not only how to live on his own, but also opened his mind to different views, cultures, etc.

Being the child of immigrants, Farhan had the unique perspective of what it takes to be adaptable and successful in a worldly way. This gave him the ability to focus on goals while being able to keep the big picture in view. His ability to perceive deeply also lends itself nicely to his passion for acting. Farhan loves the sentiment of being outside his comfort zone because it forces him to adapt and grow very rapidly and to expand his knowledge on various things like different customs and norms.

Farhan moved to Los Angeles in 2017 and found himself having to restart his entire foundation again which put him outside his comfort zone and forced him to grow once again. Since he moved there, he has launched three businesses, worked as a project manager for multiple mobile applications, worked for three software services companies as a consultant and enterprise customer success manager, learned to trade the foreign exchange market, and made many new lifelong friends. He is still in LA today enjoying all that the incredible city has to offer. The variety of opportunities, ideas, and networks of people in that area is impressive.

Being connected and networking is imperative for Farhan who has become a man of action in contrast to his prior pensive ways. Farhan Majid is sure to be one to watch as he exemplifies many leadership qualities.

